03 February 2007


I'll use this forum here as a temporary e-confessional.
I'm really glad Colson Whitehead let it out that he watches a lot of tv.
I do, too. More than I'd like to admit.
I've always heard it that tv is an anti-writing element, and I won't argue with that--but, and I think Colson might agree, or at least relate on some level, to what I say when I say I like to "culture-jam" when I write a lot of the time, letting disparate words and images fall into my subconscious as I key along to the background noise of Modern Marvels (which I love) or the deranged cartoonery of the Adult Swim lineup (which I'm largely and remarkably indifferent to).
If not tv, sometimes I'll switch things up and hit mute and turn on the radio or some mp3s or something. Same ends, different approach.
I got a very different species of inspiration from Colson than I did from Russell Banks, from his early interests in sf--my neverending interest, as well--pop-cultural intrusions from '70s Saturday mornings (his Land of the Lost-drops were priceless), and an infectious degree of postmillennial wordplay.
As for afterwards at 310 . . . uh . . . dare I mention I believe I had one to many, and as a result, I've only spotted memories of the laughter of plate tectonics, the future of B-movies, and a strange word or two with Colson regarding subway propaganda tactics, I think.
And, once again, amazingly enough, getting home rather late and lit and racing like the Hale-Bopp comet, I wrote for a long while.
Once again, the lingering gift of Winter with the Writers 2007, the heightened desire to write.
Although I can't remember if I switched on the tv.

1 comment:

Brad said...

I'm definitley a fan of "culture jamming" as well...
To be honest, some of my best writing comes along when I'm listening to music.