06 February 2007

I Didn't Forget I Swear

I finally have some downtime to make a quick post between classes, so...

I can't believe two authors have already come and gone. Has that much time really gone by? Don't answer that... I was talking to my aunt (a high school English teacher back home) about WWW, and she was surprised by the authors we get to work with. Going along the lines of what Brad said, these are people who have been published time and time again with their names out there internationally. It's a bit intimidating. What do you say to them? Will they like working with you? What if Connie May brings up your umm... interesting relationships to Russell Banks? Then what it comes down to is that they are people who enjoy just sitting back and having a few drinks with good (interesting) company. Maybe there's hope of one day being published and visiting Rollins as a visiting writer... You never know, right? I love working with you, guys, and hopefully the next two weeks will be as good as the first!

Oh right. This is Michelle by the way. LimitedEternity is my AIM screenname + some numbers in case you're wondering where it came from. Time to get a smoothie before class.

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