26 January 2007

"Making a movie with Nick Nolte? How cool was that?"

IMHO, the master class and readings yesterday with author, poet, screenwriter (what am I leaving out?) Russell Banks went swimmingly!
I'm jealous my story didn't get Banks' personal attention. His comments and suggestions on Luke's and Allison's stories were given gently and in kindness and gave insight into both Banks' writing process and his feelings about what makes up a good story -- and he's sure got enough "literary horsepower" to back up his opinions!

At the evening reading, the only slight snafu was some confusion about exterior lighting (and Karen rescued the situation - Thank You!). Before a nearly-full house (in spite of "terribly cold" - grin - Florida weather) in the beautiful new venue of Tiedke Concert Hall, Banks read two short stories and gave fun, behind the scene stories about working with Nick Nolte on the film Affliction, screened at Enzian Wednesday night and based on Banks' novel of the same name.

Check out Winter With the Writers for information on the rest of the season.

That's all from me for now. If you attended either event, please post your thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great program. I liked Banks' comment that the writer should try to induce "auditory and visual hallucinations" in the reader. His focus on exposition and scene during the master class has made me take notice of how the two play out in the published short stories I read. Looking forward to the other authors.